25 Things accountants want for Christmas

Dear Santa, all we want for Christmas is…
There are many ways to answer the question “What do you want for Christmas?”
We’ve attempted to identify as many things as possible most accountants probably would welcome this Christmas. We have expanded the list to include a range of other gifts that we are sure many accountants would welcome too but which are unlikely to happen in 2018.
How many do you think are feasible? Is there anything else you could add to the list?
All I want for Christmas is…
- All information required to complete clients’ tax returns to come in before Christmas; so the tax returns can be completed on time.
- HMRC to kindly inform us that our own 31 January tax bill is being placed in the bin as a thank you for getting a high percentage of clients to pay their tax bills on time.
- To be at the top of page one of Google when someone simply searches for an ‘accountant’.
- A complete absence of people proposing a repeat of the same old tips as are published year on year to supposedly help accountants’ complete clients’ tax returns before the deadline of 31 January.
- To get more ‘perfect’ clients referred to us by existing clients – without having to ask our clients to do so.
- To be able to leave the office on time every night during the lead up to Christmas – without having that guilty feeling about the work left still to do.
- For HMRC to announce that all businesses and taxpayers need to use a suitably qualified accountant or tax adviser to file their returns.
- Fewer disagreements that seem to go on and on between regular commentators on Accounting WEB discussion forums. You know who you are!
- To be the tax adviser to Santa Claus and to explain to the rest of us that he doesn’t have to pay tax anywhere in the world because he’s not making any profit!
- Public funding to be provided for accountancy and tax advice given to new business start-ups.
- To be allowed to run our practice our way and without anyone interfering with us and telling us what we must do differently through 2018.
- To be paid in full, on time by clients and with a big smile.
- To be in full control of the work that needs doing and to resist any unnecessary distractions.
- A fully integrated CRM, bookkeeping, accounts prep, time recording, billing and practice management system that costs less than all of the current software we use.
- Spam, promotional and unimportant emails to not get past our firewall.
- Clients to say “sorry” for unreasonable behaviour and for not replying more promptly to our requests for the required information.
- Prospective new clients to accept our fee proposals are reasonable. No complaints about our fees.
- To be approached by local media out of the blue and have a prime feature in the local media as a top local accountant for specific local business people who simply say “how great we are”.
- To feel more confident when talking to prospective clients about how we can help them and how much they will need to invest to get our best advice.
- To get more Twitter followers without posting anything interesting or relevant and without paying for them or following tweeters in the hope they will follow us back.
- To rationalise the conflict between our desire for a simple tax system and that if this ever happened we’d have fewer clients needing our help and advice.
- Stop getting random connection requests and messages on LinkedIn so that we can put more focus on using it for lead generation like so many other accountants.
- To find and connect with key target business owners on LinkedIn, for them to decide and appoint us as their accountants without even having to meet us.
- Someone to wave that magic wand and sprinkle tidy dust that cleans our office without anything being lost or impossible to find afterwards.
- No more top 25 lists like this one 😉
Which ones resonate with you and